Can we build a colony on mars?

Soon the intergalactic adventures of Star Wars and Star Trek will no longer be mere imaginations. Get ready for the wildest adventure of the century. For the first time in human history we will build a space colony. Where else would it be if not on our neighboring red planet, MARS!

But, wait a minute. Really, why are we moving all the way to Mars? Currently, there are 7.5 billion people on earth. Normally, the Earth is only able to accommodate around 9 billion people. So, where will the excess humans live? What do you want to eat? Meanwhile, vacant land and natural resources continue to run out like our wallets at the end of the month.

Earth, is also getting dirtier with pollution and garbage that we throw out every day Not to mention if suddenly a GIANT meteor falls from the sky What kind of species will we become?! Preserving the earth is very important, but it’s also time we consider a second home. And, one of the choices fell on our neighbor Planet Mars.

Hmm, what’s with Mars? Compared to Earth the size of Mars is less than half. Gravity is also quite small, so we might be able to jump from roof to roof like in action films Mars once had water, temperature, and an atmosphere similar to our planet. But that was in the past, at this time Mars no longer has a magnetic field that can protect it from cosmic radiation and foreign objects, as a result the Martian atmosphere becomes very, very thin and contains only a pinch of oxygen.

The surface of Mars is also super dry with temperatures colder than the south pole. Okay, now we’ve gotten to know Mars more intimately. The question is, can we build colonies on a planet as extreme as this?

Turns out the answer is, Yes! In fact, there are already several organizations that are competing to send the first humans to Mars with a departure target of at least 2027

According to their research, there is already technology that can help us survive on Mars. To breathe, for example, tools have been created that can produce oxygen from the Martian atmosphere. If we need water, we just need to extract it from the air. So, yes, we don’t have to bother importing gallon mineral water from the earth. As for food, we will rely on dry food from the earth, while growing our own vegetables.

Well, to protect ourselves from cosmic radiation, we can wear special anti-radiation clothes and stay in volcanic caves after landing. Next, we slowly begin to be able to terraform the red planet.

The first step is to melt the frozen carbon dioxide ice at the poles, the evaporated carbon dioxide will create a greenhouse effect that can warm Mars, then melt the frozen water. After that, we can only grow plants that will produce oxygen to breathe and form the ozone layer.

Unfortunately, researchers still haven’t been able to find a way to rebuild the Martian magnetosphere or shorten the travel time from Earth. Until this mystery is solved, get ready to taste the effects of exposure to cosmic radiation.

Yes, terraforming Mars is not as easy as it seems. That’s why astronomers like Carl Sagan have proposed terraforming on planets other than Mars. The planet Venus, for example, is closer to Earth and not far away, both in size and gravity, at a certain height, its temperature and air pressure are similar to Earth’s.

Although indeed the conditions on the surface of Venus can kill us in an instant. It’s just a matter of choosing whether we want to burn because of the heat, crumble due to pressure, or melt because of the rain.

In short, establishing an interplanetary colony is actually not impossible, it just takes time before we can eat the first street meatballs in space.

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