Benefits Of Cinnamon Decoction For Health

One of the best ways to get the benefits of cinnamon is to boil the trunk and regular consumption. Many experts say that the benefits of a decoction of cinnamon is very good and can be used as a drug for several diseases. Cinnamon trademark of taste and aroma is very distinctive and is also widely used for different kinds of cuisine. Ranging from sweet and savoury dishes, breakfast cereals, baked goods, and snacks.

In addition to its delicious taste, cinnamon also has antioxidant properties and antibiotics. Journal of large and lethal arsenal explain that cinnamon is very rich in antioxidant polyphenols. Cinnamon is also called antioxidants have higher compared with the clove and oregano.

The Efficacy of cinnamon For Health

Maybe you’ve heard the benefits of cinnamon as a spice in cooking because of the distinctive flavor. However, cinnamon is also has a variety of benefits for the health of the body which is still rarely known.

For you who want to keep endurance, here are the benefits of cinnamon for health are rarely known to people:

1. Rich in Antioxidants

We all know the importance of antioxidants for the immune system. Free radicals in the day-to-day can damage body cells and make you sick. The benefits of cinnamon are rich in antioxidants can protect and repair the body’s cells from damage it. Even I was so high in antioxidants, cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative.

2. Contains Anti-inflammatory Properties

Often feel pain or swelling in the joints? Discomfort from inflammation or inflammation can disrupt the daily activities of you.

Try to consume cinnamon tea. The warm feeling of the water decoction of cinnamon is useful to relieve inflammation and release a pile of excessive fluids in the body.

3. Improve Blood Circulation

Blood clots in the blood vessels can cause side effects such as muscle cramps, digestive disorders, and pain in the whole body. One of the benefits of cinnamon is the circulation of blood vessels arteries and improve the performance of the heart muscle.

With the consumption of cinnamon, you will feel more energetic and sports activities easier.

4. Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

You may be addicted to eating fast food or fried foods because it tastes savory and delicious.

However, do you know what kind of food is high in fat? No wonder why more and more people having cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. To help overcome this side effect, you can avidly consume cinnamon.

According to the American Heart Association, the Content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon is able to slow down the process of accumulation of fat, especially in the abdomen, thus potentially preventing cardiovascular disease.

5. Keeping Blood Sugar Levels

The characteristic flavor of cinnamon that light is often used in sweets processed as a natural sweetener and sugar substitute.

Behind this, a study proving the benefits of cinnamon in reducing blood sugar. Because of this, the cinnamon is suitable for diabetics. To feel the effect, try a routine of eating ½ to 2 teaspoons (1-6 grams) of cinnamon powder every day.

6. Increase Sensitivity to Insulin

Insulin has a major role in the body: regulating metabolism and energy. You know, some people have insulin resistance without realizing it?

This condition causes the body to produce insulin excessive, so that people quickly get hungry and gained weight. If not treated promptly, this situation can cause serious complications such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. An easy way to prevent insulin resistance is by eating a cinnamon spice. Cinnamon is believed to improve the function of the hormone insulin, thus preventing diabetes and obesity.

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