Benefits Bodylotion And When Should Time Using Bodylotion

What are the benefits of body lotion?

Body lotion is a skin care product of the body that is very important to use. Body lotion contains a humectant, i.e. active ingredients which work by attracting moisture content in the air or draw water from the deeper layers of skin. Some types of content humectants, among others, ceramide, glycerin, sorbitol, hyaluronic acid, and lecithin. Body lotions also contain ingredients called substances occlusive. This substance works by forming a protective film to prevent water loss from the skin. Petrolatum and lanolin are the examples of the occlusive. Furthermore, the body lotion contains emollients. Some of the content of emollients that are commonly found in moisturized face and body is linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and lauric acid. Based on the variety of the content, here are the various benefits of body lotion, and more.

1. Moisturizes skin

You probably already know the benefits of body lotion to moisturize dry skin. It is not without reason. Therefore, the uncertain weather changes, especially for the people of Indonesia who live in the region has a tropical climate, make the skin needs more moisture so that the skin does not dry. Dry skin prone to irritation, causing the skin so rosy. Well, use body lotion every day, shortly after a shower, it can help lock in skin’s moisture to keep it supple and well hydrated. Thus, the skin is dry and cracked can be avoided.

2. Skin smoothing rough

The benefits of body lotions can help smooth the skin rough. Yes, even if the type of skin you belong to normal, or oily skin, the fact remains there are some areas of the skin that is rough on the body, such as in the area of the elbow or knee. If used regularly, the usefulness of body lotion can make the area of the rough skin becomes more smooth.

3. Slow down the signs of premature aging

Did you know that the benefits of body lotion can slow down the signs of premature aging? As we age, the signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles, rough skin, fine lines, to dry skin will be popping up. The use of body lotion can help slow down the signs of premature aging such. The content of nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin B3, and vitamin B5, in this skin care product can make the skin look firmer and younger. With this, the signs of aging can be prevented its appearance.

4. Prevents the formation of acne

Sometimes, the oil glands produce sebum or natural oil in excessive amounts. This condition is prone to clog the pores that create acne. If you keep the skin well hydrated, the oil glands will produce sebum in a sufficient amount so that the formation of acne can be avoided. To obtain the benefits of body lotion, try a body lotion that is rich in vitamin C in it. Vitamin C is an antioxidant potential that can help to reduce acne.

5. Cope with calluses

The benefits of body lotion it can cope with calluses. Calluses is a skin condition that undergoes thickening and hardening. This skin problem usually appears in the area of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The use of body lotion on a regular basis can make the area of the skin feels supple as well as lifting the dead skin cells more easily. However, if the calluses are experiencing discoloration, swelling, or appear red stripes, consult with a doctor to get proper treatment.

6. Make the body more relaxed

The benefits of body lotion to make the body more relaxed perhaps not recognized by many people. Various products body lotion is typically enriched with the kind of fragrance that can make the body more relaxed. To get the usefulness of this body lotion, you can apply the lotion on the areas of the body that is desirable while giving a gentle massage. These measures can relieve stress, relieve pain, and even increase endorphins so that you feel more calm.

When should the time to use a body lotion that is recommended?

To get the usefulness of the body lotion to the maximum, you need to know when is the right time to use it. The following is an appropriate time to use a body lotion recommended by a dermatologist.

1. Shortly after bath

Function body lotion can lock the moisture of the skin. But, so that the benefits can be felt to the maximum, you need to rub it right after a shower, or at the most 5 minutes after drying the body.

2. Before sports outdoors

You also need to apply body lotion before exercising outdoors. Because, when you’re outdoors, the skin will be more easily exposed by wind, pollution, and sun exposure risk threatening the health of the skin. Therefore, the skin needs nutrients that can improve skin hydration through the use of a body lotion. However, make sure you apply body lotion that contains SPF of at least 30.

3. Before going to bed at night

During the night, usually of the skin you run the risk of losing water. This means that the moisture of the skin will be reduced. To keep the skin moist while sleeping at night, you need to apply body lotion to your skin to stay awake hydrating it.

4. After washing the hands

Exposure to warm water or cold water and soap can make the skin dry. Moreover, usually hand soap contains antibacterial agents that interfere with the natural layer of the skin. Use of hand and body lotion can protect the skin layer so as not to be distracted.

5. After shave

Shaving body hair can be a little scrape a layer of skin. This is because the skin area sheared will be more easy to dry and irritated. Applying lotions can increase skin’s moisture so that the layer of his patron became more powerful.

6. During and after the flight

Low air pressure in the aircraft cabin it could risk making the skin dry faster. Therefore, you are advised to apply the lotion during the flight and just before it fell from the plane.

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