Programming language

Programming language is a string of words in the form of instructions or commands that usually consist of many lines that can be understood by computers. This programming language must be mastered by a developer in order to build an application or software. And to make certain applications, a programming language is also used according to the needs of the application to be made. The number of programming languages ​is very much. Of the many programming languages ​that exist today, of course, developers do not use all of the existing programming languages. They only use 1 or 2 programming languages ​in developing software.

According to Tiobe, one of the research institutions that has been trying for several years to rank the world’s popular programming languages ​which is manifested in the December 2014 edition of the TIOBE Programming Community Index, Java and C are still the first and second most popular programming languages. in this article CodePolitan will summarize 10 popular programming languages ​used in Indonesia. In addition to using data from TIOBE and PYPL, CodePolitan summarizes popular programming languages ​based on the number of members of a Facebook group discussing programming. Here is a review of 5 popular programming languages ​in Indonesia:

  • JAVA

Java has become one of the most popular programming languages, not for no reason, this programming language has several advantages such as being able to run on different operating systems, then this programming language is included in OOP programming (object orientation programming) so that programmers are easier in compiling programs. using this language, besides that this language also has a complete library so that it will be very easy for programmers. And now is an era where Android smartphones are very widely used. Applications in Android smartphones are built using the Java language, so there are also many programmers who use this language because it is in high demand.

  • C

The C language is one of the oldest programming languages ​ever. The C programming language was developed from around the 70s. The creator of the C language is Dennis Ritchie. C language has become a popular programming language in Indonesia because almost most universities majoring in IT or programming course institutions use this language to be studied first before learning other programming languages. Not without reason C language is the basis for learning other programming languages, because indeed C language is the “father” of other programming languages ​such as C#, Java, C++, and so on.

  • PHP

PHP (PHP Hypertext Pre-processor) is the most widely used programming language in Indonesia. Apart from being free, PHP is widely used because this programming language is a server side scripting that is designed to build dynamic websites. In addition, many well-known websites such as Facebook, WordPress, or Digg use PHP in their development. PHP was first developed by Rasmus Lerdrorf.


Visual Basic is a programming language developed by Microsoft. This programming language offers a visual IDE in software development, and this programming language was developed to create software based on the Windows operating system. VisualBasic itself is a descendant of the BASIC programming language. A survey in 2005 showed that 62% of software developers use Visual Basic in their software development, making VisualBasic one of the most popular programming languages. In Indonesia, there is a Visual Basic Indonesia group which has more than 22 thousand members.


At the programming language level, Python is a high-level language. Python is one of the programming languages ​that can build applications, be it web-based or mobile-based. Python language is included in the programming language that is quite easy for beginners, because the language is easy to read with a syntax that is easy to understand too. Many large companies use Python in their development such as Instagram, Pinterest and Rdio. Python is also used by Google, Yahoo!, and NASA developers.

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