Is it good to take a warm bath?

Warm baths can also be relied on to overcome excess oil on the skin, improve blood circulation, improve mood, and can reduce stress. Hence, it is advisable to take a warm bath in the afternoon or evening before going to bed.

Benefits of a warm bath

The benefits of a warm bath are not only to overcome the cold air in the morning, but also can relieve certain complaints and even good for mental health:

  1. Treat skin irritation

For owners of itchy and irritated skin, bathing or bathing in warm water mixed with special oatmeal powder can keep the skin moist and reduce skin irritation. The effect of a warm bath can also relieve inflammation of the skin.

  • Improve breathing

The temperature of warm water and pressure on your chest can increase lung capacity and oxygen intake. Just like the effect of a sauna, according to several developing studies, the benefits of bathing using warm water can reduce the risk of heart attack, improve blood sugar control, and lower blood sugar levels. blood pressure.

  • Improve sleep quality

The benefits of taking a warm bath after staying up late actually make you more sleepy. A study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews found that taking a warm bath 90 minutes before bedtime makes you fall asleep faster. Research also shows that the benefits of a warm bath can improve the quality of your sleep. Because, the core body temperature will increase, when you are soaking or soaked in warm water. You can also apply this when you stay up late or suffer from insomnia. Then, when you get out of the bathroom, your body temperature will give a signal that your body is ready to sleep. This can make your sleep quality better, and of course, sleep faster.

  • Burn calories

In one study, a warm bath has been shown to burn calories. The researchers asked 10 men to take a warm bath and soak. As a result, the respondents burned 126 calories per hour. This amount can usually only be achieved when you walk about 25-30 minutes. In the same study, there is a conclusion that the benefits of a warm bath can also avoid spikes in blood sugar after eating.

  • Relieve pain in the body

Soaking in warm water can reduce pain in the body. There are studies that show cases in people with Ehlers-Danlos disease. This disease makes the sufferer’s body very “fragile”. The research proves that a warm bath can relax the muscles of the body of Ehlers-Danlos sufferers. So, pain in the body can be relieved. No need to worry, the benefits of taking a warm bath at night can also be felt by people in general. Participants who bathe in hot water have higher BDNF levels. Researchers concluded, hyperthermia caused by hot baths can increase the production of BDNF.

  • Improve heart health

The benefits of a warm bath, including the benefits of a warm bath in the morning, further improve heart health. A report in 2014 showed that warm water can improve blood circulation in people with heart failure. This is because blood vessels will dilate when exposed to high temperatures. Then, in a 2012 study, warm water was also shown to relieve stiffness in blood vessels. It showed that participants who put part of their feet in hot water for half an hour, were able to relieve stiff blood vessels.

  • Relieves headaches

The next benefit of a warm bath is to relieve headaches. Generally, headaches occur when the blood vessels in the head are constricted. By taking a warm bath, it is believed that the blood vessels in the head will feel relaxed and free from pressure, so that the headache can be relieved.

  • Relieves stuffy nose

Taking a warm bath when you have a cold can actually moisten your nostrils. It also helps relieve nasal congestion because the warm steam helps the mucus in the respiratory tract to escape more easily. The effect, nasal congestion was resolved.

The effect of taking a warm bath too often

Some of the risks of a warm bath are:

  • Irritating to the skin, because hot temperatures increase the risk of damage to the keratin cells in the outermost layer of the skin. This makes the skin dry and ultimately difficult to hold moisture.
  • Exacerbating eczema, because high temperatures make the skin more dry and eczema recurs.
  • At risk of causing itching, hot temperatures make histamine levels released in the skin, triggering itching
  • Lowering Blood Pressure in the Body
  • Body Temperature So Unbalanced
  • Nausea and Vomiting.

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