Understanding Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing technique that involves creating and distributing relevant, important, and consistent content to attract audiences with the aim of converting them into consumers. There are two important elements in content marketing. First, content must meet these three conditions: important, relevant, and consistent. So, you can’t be careless in creating content for content marketing. Content must meet the three conditions above. You must create content that is relevant to your business. For example, you run a fashion business. Then you need to create content related to fashion. Relevance alone is not enough. You also need to consider whether the content is important or not for the target audience to know. Make a priority scale containing topics that are relevant to the target audience. Sort from most important to least important. The last requirement is consistency. In content marketing, you can’t rely on just one piece of content to attract the attention of the audience. It takes a lot of content for you to finally experience the benefits of content marketing for your business. The second element in content marketing is achieving the goal of converting audiences into consumers. Keep in mind that producing content for content marketing is not just to entertain the audience. There is a goal that you must achieve, which is to convert your audience into customers. So after consuming the content that you create, the audience is moved to buy the product or service that you are selling.

Content Marketing Forms

There are many forms of content marketing. Here are some of the most frequently used forms of content marketing.

  • Blog

Blogs are the most fundamental and most important form of content marketing. This platform is fundamental to content marketing not without reason. Blogs allow you to share ideas and complete information in one article.

  • Ebook

Sometimes you need a longer medium than blog articles, you can use ebooks. Ebooks are also a form of content marketing that you can rely on. You can make conditions to be able to download your ebook, people must enter an email first. So you can get leads through ebooks which you can then convert into consumers in the future.

  • Videos

Video is also one type of content that you need to pay attention to for content marketing. Because video marketing can make your visitors spend more time on the blog. The more time a visitor spends on the blog, the better the score on Google. According to iMPACT research, videos increase organic traffic by 157 percent.

  • E-mail

Email is also a popular form of content marketing. The effectiveness of email for marketing purposes is fairly high, which is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter. There are various forms of content in email marketing. From promotional emails, shopping cart reminder emails, newsletters, to ebook promotions.

  • Social Media

Social media is also part of content marketing. However, because the discussion of marketing on social media is too broad, social media has its own branch in the world of marketing, namely social media marketing.

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