Generation Z, or more commonly known as Gen Z, are those born in 1995 and above. Millennials are the first generation to grow up in the era of modern technological advancements, while Gen Z was born and raised in the era of the explosion of social media. As predicted, Gen Z not only feel comfortable using and enjoying social media, they are also happy and fond of doing online transactions on social media and e-commerce platforms. They begin to enter a new part of life when they are in the phase of spending their first pocket money and salary.

Gen Z are sometimes referred to as “Millennials on Steroids”—they have spent more than millennials and previous generations have spent in their life cycle. Although in various studies it is stated that Gen Z will do a lot of research related to online shopping, it turns out that they prefer the experience of shopping in physical stores (offline). A real irony. However, this fact is supported by subsequent statements. Many of those purchases were apparently influenced by the recommendations they saw or made on social media. Gen Z is also known to be divided when it comes to loyalty.

Like other generations, the peer factor also has a strong influence and puts a fairly high pressure on Gen Z. The brands and clothes worn by influencers or celebrities also greatly influence the trends of today’s youth. In-app purchases (physical goods) on social media such as Instagram, remove the friction between craving for a product and the purchase event. Buying physical goods within apps is likely to increase dramatically in the next few years.

To reach Gen Z, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Mobile-friendly website. Because Gen Z is a generational group that prioritizes technological sophistication, especially smartphones, they will shop more often using their phones. Having a mobile-friendly website is also a determining factor for them to feel at home, or decide to shop or not.
Short content, such as content that they often consume on the social media they use.
Entertainment, education and end with sales.
Implement an influencer marketing campaign. Partner with celebrities or influencers who have a good reputation for endorsement collaborations.
Take advantage of new and popular social media, such as TikTok

Not only as a news media, social media also now plays an important role in consumer decision making in shopping. Based on data from various sources, the following are Gen Z statistics on social media:

62% of Gen Z access Instagram, while 60% access YouTube every day.
While 81% of teens admit social media helps them get closer to their friends, 45% also say they sometimes don’t like the drama that often appears there.
41% of Gen Z say they use Twitch, a video game-only live streaming platform.
Over 76% of Gen Z admit that they follow at least one influencer on social media.

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