Organic Social Media Marketing VS Advertising

As a businessman, of course you want to maximize product sales through social media. Moreover, today’s social media users are increasing along with the growth of technology. Brands have been busy optimizing Social Media Marketing. However, should you use organic techniques or advertise?

  • The Definite Method

If people ask what is a surefire method to succeed in Social Media Marketing, the answer is that there is no surefire method. Social media is always evolving and never stops adapting its users. This is what distinguishes this marketing method with traditional methods. The development of social media is changing very quickly. This causes intense competition between brands. Creativity and content that is always up to date is a definite demand if a brand wants to fight here.

  • Catching Organic

Organic content is content that is uploaded for free. The interaction obtained from this content is a “real” interaction, because this content is only visible to followers of that account. Engagement of this content is strongly influenced by creativity and the right timing.

However, currently the appearance of content is determined by interests and accounts that are often viewed. This makes organic content optimization even more challenging. The reason is, even if the person follows the account of a brand, he does not necessarily get exposure to the content of the account.

  • Paid Promote

Of course you are no longer surprised when you suddenly get content from an account that you have never followed before. Those are accounts that use paid or advertising methods. This method is intended to reach followers and a wider audience, according to the target they want. This method is considered more effective than organic in increasing engagement. In its application, advertising on social media still has terms and conditions that must be adhered to.

  • Complete each other

Ads are indeed created to expand reach with the aim of increasing the conversion rate. However, as a brand owner, you can’t rely on ads 100%. You also have to use organic ways to build personal branding and get closer to your audience.

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