Menak Golek Dance

Yogyakarta is one of the cities in Indonesia which is rich in culture and arts. Not only is it famous for its various natural and city tourism which always makes you want to come back, the traditional arts that are passed down from generation to generation such as the Golek Menak Dance originating from Yogjakarya are very attention-grabbing.

Therefore, on this occasion, we will get to know more about the history of the menak golek dance along with its functions, floor patterns, movements, music, costumes, make-up, properties and the uniqueness of the menak golek dance. Let’s take a good look at the full explanation below.

History of Menak Golek Dance

The history of the Menak Golek Dance was originally created by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX in 1940-1988. This dance has a history that tells the stories of Serat Menak. This idea arose after the Sultan watched the Wayang Golek show which was staged by a dalang in 1942.

In contrast to other dance dramas which tell a lot about the Mahabharata or Ramayana stories, Golek Menak Dance is more inclined to the Serat Menak story. This story comes from the Hikayat Amir Hamzah who was brought by Malay traders and then began to be disseminated to the archipelago.

From the story, the characterizations were adapted with Javanese names. Broadly speaking, Serat Menak for this dance tells about the emergence of Islam through great figures such as Amir Ambyah or Wong Agung Jayengrana from Mecca.

Menak Golek Dance Function

The Golek Menang dance was first performed at the Sultan’s birthday celebration in 1943. Since then the government has started paying attention to this art. However, this inaugural performance was certainly not perfect, until finally a special group was formed by the Sultan.

There are six institutions that are given the responsibility to perfect the Golek Menak Dance. Until March 17, 1989, the premiere of the finished performance was successfully held by taking the story of Kelaswara and Wong Agung Jayengrana.

Until now, the function of the golek menak dance is still used for entertainment if there is a big event at the Yogyakarta Palace or the anniversary of the city, theater performances, birthday celebrations or welcoming guests. The art of Golek Menak Dance is well preserved by the people of Yogyakarta.

Menak Golek Dance Floor Pattern

Similar to other dance movements, Golek Menak also has a floor pattern. The floor pattern of the menak golek dance is a zig-zag. Because basically this dance is simple, it doesn’t use a lot of movement variations. There are not too many dancers participating, so it doesn’t take up too much space.

In its own development, there are actually several combinations of floor patterns used. It’s just that the grip or basis still uses a zig zag pattern. Even now in every performance there is no significant change or to add or change the meaning.

Goek Menak Dance Movement

Because it was previously adapted from wayang characterizations, the structure of the movement is indeed dramatic. Following the pattern in the puppets, mostly limiting movement in the joints. This is the reason why Golek Menak Dance tends to imitate the movements of wooden puppets.

However, in its development there are additional modifications that are still guided by the Yogyakarta Javanese dance. By emphasizing the base of motion on the stomach then the position of the legs is also tilted to keep it looking flexible in the performance.

In addition, there is also a combination of elements of the pencak silat movement from West Sumatra which has a war scene performance. Of course, this was the idea of ​​the Sultan himself, he had witnessed the traditional West Sumatran pencak silat in Bukittinggi in 1947.

Accompaniment Music of Menak Golek Dance

Dances without music feel something is missing, as well as the Golek Menak Dance. The accompaniment is typical of Java because of the gamelan with pelog barrels. The drum technique used is rod, the rhythm is similar to Sundanese. There are also some instruments such as kecrek or keprak dhodhogan.

Dhodhogan itself is often used for the rhythm of wayang kulit. In addition, it is also added to the presentation of dialogue in Javanese or Bagongan language. It includes 11 different vocabularies to call people like me and your or your pakera. There will be dialogue adjustments later.

The accompaniment of the Golek Menak Dance is soothing when you listen to it. So don’t be surprised if the harmonization of the rhythm does sound sweet, it is very suitable to be used as entertainment for welcoming guests or for big state ceremonies. While introducing the dance culture of the archipelago which is expensive and timeless.

Costume from Menak Golek Dance

Every dance art must have the right costume and make-up supporters, as well as the Golek Menak Dance. The costumes or clothes worn for dancing are called Golek Menak Kayu clothing. All dancers will wear long sleeves, both male and female.

The details of the costumes used do look like puppets. The pants section or commonly called cindhe, is a long cloth in the style of rampekan, rings, kampuhan, and scarves. Equipped with various accessories such as a headdress with feathers / gliders, bracelets, and necklaces stacking three.

The makeup used is of course shaped to resemble the puppet show character. This applies to both male and female dancers. All of this is done to support them so that they are more integrated with the role, can realize sensitivity to each character played.

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