Benefits Of Alkesa Fruit for Health

One type of fruit that is rare today is the alkesa fruit. Alkesa fruit, known as sapodilla butter, has a yellow color that is rich in health benefits.

Not only delicious, but alkesa fruit is very healthy for the body, and can be used to treat various types of diseases.

The fruit that has the Latin name Pouteria Campechiana, is known in West Java as Campoleh. This fruit that secretes latex or milk sap turns out to have many benefits. The fruit when it is ripe can be eaten as fresh fruit.

Alkesa fruit is oval in shape, this fruit has a characteristic, yellow flesh. In addition, the meat is moist but a bit dry, floury and has a faint sweet aroma. No wonder this Sawo is also called Sweet Potato Sawo.

Alkesa fruit is enriched with various vitamins such as niacin, carotene, riboflavin, vitamin C, and thiamin. Minerals and other nutrients contained in it include calcium, carbohydrates, phosphorus, and calories.

As reported by PortalMadura.Com quoted from, because it is loaded with important nutrients in it.

Of course, making this fruit efficacious to fight various types of diseases. Well, here are the benefits and efficacy of alkesa fruit for health.

Benefits of Alkesa Fruit

1. Reduces the Risk of Colon Cancer

Vitamins in alkesa fruit are antioxidants that are effective in preventing cancer.

There are also important compounds in it that help neutralize toxins, viruses, and bacteria that cause colon cancer. This benefit is reinforced by the abundant fiber in this fruit.

2. Prevents Bone Porosity

Alkesa fruit contains abundant potassium, which is useful for the formation of healthy bones. This mineral is needed especially for children in their growth period, as well as in old age.

3. Smooth Digestion

Alkesa fruit is rich in fiber, which is good for the digestive system. It is useful to ease the work of the intestines and other digestive organs.

4. Protects Eye Health

Aklesa fruit contains a variety of good compounds, one of which is believed to be carotene which is useful for maintaining eye health, and preventing eye disease.

5. Fights Infection

The abundant vitamin C in sapodilla walanda can act as an antioxidant that fights free radicals and prevents infection.

There are many benefits that you can take from this alkesa fruit. Alternatives as meal replacements are also possible.

6. Heat and Diarrhea Relief

In Cuba and Mexico, alkesah fruit peel is often used to reduce fever and fever.

The leaves and flesh of the fruit are useful for treating diarrhea. The trick, grate the young fruit then squeeze and strain to take the water. Mix the juice with warm water, drink in the morning and evening.

7. Avoid Constipation

With regular consumption of sapodilla butter can prevent constipation or constipation, which is caused by an improper diet.

8. Helps Baby Growth

Sawo butter or alkesa fruit is often mixed with milk as porridge for babies. The combination of cow’s milk and alkesa fruit is a healthy food that is highly nutritious.

9. Boosts Body Energy and Stamina

The natural sugar in the fruit will be converted into energy by our bodies. When the body experiences fatigue and tiredness, drink this fruit juice.

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