The benefits and harms of the trumpet flower

Trumpet flower or often called forest amethyst, chances are you are already familiar with this one plant. Yes, you must have never seen it firsthand, at least have heard of its effects. Behind the beautiful flowers, there is a deadly poison.

Flowers that look beautiful and fragrant are not always worthy of your enjoyment. Although included in the category of ornamental plants, trumpet flower plants store something that might make you immediately stay away from the flowers.

Her beautiful name, Angel’s trumpet, does not reflect anything ‘angel’ in the slightest. Quite the opposite, this flower is often associated with something dangerous and deadly.

Trumpet flowers are usually yellow. But along with development, trumpet flowers are propagated by crossing or cuttings, then produce white, purple, pink, or orange flowers.

All parts of this plant contain poison. The content of atropine substances will cause headaches, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, and even lead to death.

Scopolamine substances are found in trumpet flower plants, when these substances enter the human body, it is certain that humans will experience hallucinations and make their breath hot. In the United States, this plant is often nicknamed Devil’s Breath or the devil’s breath.

But if processed properly, this plant is apparently rich in benefits. Reporting from the Los Angeles Time, this plant extract can treat asthma, painkillers, anesthetics to prevent infection. Paramedics take advantage of trumpet flowers, because of the natural ingredients so that they do not cause prolonged side effects and harm to patients.

There are seven species of trumpet flowers in the world, including white trumpet flowers, golden trumpets, red trumpets, green trumpets, yellow trumpets, purple trumpets, and gray trumpets. Trumpet flowers are between 5 and 20 centimeters long and usually live in the mountains of South America on cliffs and forests.

The benefits of trumpet flowers

As a type of ornamental plant, this Brugmansia flower has properties and benefits. In medicine, for example, this flower can indeed be used as medical ingredients, including narcotics, anticholinergics, anesthetics, spasmolytics, and anti-asthma. In addition, trumpet flowers also contain important alkaloids, namely scopolamine, atropine, and hyoscyamine. These materials play an important role as ingredients in modern medicine.

Then for external medicine, Brugmansia is also often used to treat pain, orchitis, headaches, arthritis. It can also be used to treat dermatitis, infections, which are packaged in the form of syrups, ointments, or transdermally the leaves can be applied to the skin.

Actually, apart from being used for external medicine, it can also be used for internal medicine. Such as for stomach pain, or expel worms and parasites. However, use for this part of the body is rarely done. Because, the danger is very high if consumed. Please note, all parts of the angel’s trumpet plant are poisonous, including the seeds and leaves.

Trumpet flower side effects

There is a kind of substance contained in this angel’s trumpet flower and it is often misused by irresponsible humans. Because the substance is similar to the effect of some kind of drug that can cause hallucinations, the substance is called scopolamine.

Scopolamine is an anticholinergic drug that has an effect such as anesthetizing a person. This is what makes criminals use it to rob and carry out attacks in Colombia.

Trumpet flower ornamental plants are beautiful but also contain poison. In this plant there is a substance called hallucinogen which can make a person experience hallucinations.

The content contained in this trumpet flower or amethyst flower, namely atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine which are classified as mind-busting substances or anticholinergics. Further effects can damage the nerves of the brain, which as a result can make people like daze or death.

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