Are you a sufferer of high blood pressure? Star fruit juice is effective in lowering your high blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the common diseases suffered by the community. High blood pressure can threaten all people.

A person is said to have high blood pressure if the blood pressure is above 180/120. If left unchecked, high blood pressure can trigger the emergence of chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

The benefits of star fruit for people with high blood pressure

Relying on medication alone to maintain normal blood pressure is generally not enough for people with hypertension. They also need to pay attention to the hypertension diet, because its content can affect the ups and downs of blood pressure. People with hypertension need to avoid various foods that can trigger an increase in blood pressure, such as foods high in salt and fat.

Starfruit juice lowers high blood pressure

Star fruit has a sweet taste and contains quite a lot of water. Generally, star fruit is used as an ingredient to make salad. Quoting from a book entitled 9 Powerful Fruits & Vegetables to Prevent Disease by Agus Suwanto, star fruit is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C which play a role in increasing the body’s resistance. In addition, star fruit also contains high potassium and low sodium. Containing potassium makes star fruit useful as a fruit that lowers high blood pressure. Instead of being consumed directly, people with high blood pressure can consume star fruit by making juice. Here are the ingredients and how to make star fruit juice to lower high blood pressure, which is quoted from a book called 202 Fruit and Vegetable Juices.


• Starfruit 100 grams

• Lime juice 3 tablespoons

• Water 1/2 cup

• 3/4 cup fine shaved ice

You wash the star fruit and then cut it into small pieces. You put all the ingredients in a blender and then puree. You drink star fruit juice immediately while it is still cold. In addition to drinking star fruit juice, you should exercise and maintain food intake so that blood pressure in the body is controlled.

Instead, they need to increase their fruit intake. One of the most popular fruits for people with high blood pressure is star fruit. The following are the various benefits of star fruit for people with hypertension.

1. Help lower blood pressure

Starfruit is rich in potassium, which is one of the minerals that are important for the body. Potassium is important for maintaining normal muscle function. In addition, this mineral also has the effect of relaxing the walls of blood vessels so that blood vessels widen. Blood flow through these blood vessels will be smoother so that blood pressure can decrease.

Harvard Health Publishing mentions that a number of studies show that low potassium intake can lead to increased blood pressure, heart attacks, and a higher risk of stroke. In conclusion, for people with hypertension to lower systolic blood pressure by increasing potassium intake through food, such as star fruit.

2. Supports heart health for people with hypertension

Hypertension is a major factor in various types of heart disease. That means, people who have hypertension are at high risk of developing heart disease. The reason is, high blood pressure makes the heart work harder than it should, so it can cause problems in this organ later in life.

In addition to maintaining blood pressure, consuming star fruit can also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with hypertension. This fruit, which is rich in water, also contains antioxidant compounds.

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