Benefits of Insulin Leaves and Side Effects for Health

Insulin leaves are herbal plants that contain a variety of active compounds. This leaf is believed to be able to overcome various health problems.

Insulin leaf or Costus igneus is a natural ingredient known to treat diabetes. These leaves are produced by the insulin tree that usually grows in the yard. The height of the tree is less than one meter, the leaves are green to yellowish with a size of 10-20 cm. The shape of the leaves is simple with a leaf bone that has a parallel shape. Plants belonging to the Coscus genus can grow well if they are in moist, fertile, and plenty of water. From several studies that have been done, it is known that this leaf has a myriad of health benefits.

Getting to Know Insulin Leaves

In Indonesia, insulin leaves are better known as ornamental plants than herbal plants. Cultivation is still relatively new, about the last 8-9 years. However, along with its popularity as a diabetes drug, the demand for this plant is also increasing and invites many people to cultivate it.

Some areas in Indonesia that cultivate this plant a lot, among others, Wonosobo, Bandung and Yogyakarta. Actually, this plant is nicknamed Mexican Sunflower because historically this plant originated from Mexico, and spread to Central America and South America, to Asia and Africa.

Insulin leaves can be harvested after 2-3 months from the time of planting, and can then be harvested every 3 weeks. After being harvested, the insulin leaves are then purchased by herbal medicine manufacturers from various regions in Indonesia. To then be marketed as herbal medicine for various diseases, especially diabetes.

Insulin Leaf Content

The benefits of insulin leaves are obtained because this herbal medicine contains various active compounds. Quoting from, some of the contents of insulin include; alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, steroids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, and proteins. According to a study published in the Journal of Science and Mathematics, insulin leaves contain several chemical compounds, including:

• -Pinene

• 9.92 Myrcene

• 1, 8-Cineole

• -Caryophyllene

• -Gurjunene

• -Humulene

• Germacrene D

• Camphene

Benefits of Insulin Leaves

Help Prevent and Treat Diabetes

As previously mentioned in the benefits of insulin leaves and their side effects, insulin leaves are famous for their benefits for the treatment of diabetes.

This is because of its anti-hyperglycemic effect which is certainly beneficial in preventing and treating diabetes. The content of alloxa compounds contained in it is proven to stimulate and improve the ability of pancreatic beta cells to produce the hormone insulin which functions to regulate blood glucose levels.

Prevent cancer

A study has shown that a compound found in insulin leaves has an inhibitory effect on the growth of cancer cells.

The antioxidant compounds in it are known to be able to protect the body from the effects of free radicals which are one of the causes of cancer. Even so, you should consult again with a doctor before using it, because some further research is still needed to strengthen the evidence

Overcoming Liver, Pancreas, and Kidney Disorders

Insulin roots and leaves have a fairly high antioxidant content. The bioactive compounds quercetin and diosgenin in this plant have antioxidant effects and can help treat liver, pancreas and kidney disorders.

This of course needs to be considered again in the use of the benefits of insulin leaves and their side effects.

Has a diuretic effect

A study found plant insulin has a diuretic effect similar to furosemide, a drug used to treat high blood pressure and edema.

The diuretic effect makes the kidneys excrete unneeded or excessive salt and body fluids through urine. This can certainly be a consideration in the use of the benefits of insulin leaves and their side effects.

Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

The insulin plant extract is believed to be able to reduce high cholesterol levels, so it is believed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

How to Consume Insulin Leaves

There are actually several ways to consume insulin leaves. Quoting from, these leaves can be chewed directly in the morning or at night. However, you can also process these leaves before consumption. You can dry these leaves first. Then grind the dry leaves until it becomes a powder. Then brew this herbal leaf powder with enough water.

Insulin Leaf Side Effects

Although it has active ingredients and various benefits, if consumed in excess it can cause side effects that can harm the kidneys. Quote from, several studies have studied the side effects of this leaf. The study was given to experimental rats induced diabetes for 90 days. The results of the study stated that the long-term use of insulin leaves can cause kidney damage in the experimental rats. Therefore, to prevent harmful side effects, you should consult with your doctor first if you consume insulin leaves.

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