Get To Know 5 Of Tradition Typical Of The Area Sumbawa

Indonesia is a Country with a diversity of traditions and cultures, consisting of islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke. To save millions of unique art and culture. Nah mate traveler here, let’s look at 5 tradition typical of the area of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara: 


The art of the game that has lasted hundreds of years this is an entertainment for the king in Sumbawa. Karaci consists of two adult native tribes of Sumbawa (Suku Samawa), a referee, a separator, and sandro (shaman) who served treat wounds fighter karaci.

The fighter using a stick called sesambu and a shield made from the skin of a goat or a buffalo (my four). In collaboration with the dance movement (ngumang) fighter

start karaci while berbalas pantun which aims to find an opponent to fight. After finding the opponent fighters going at each other to determine the winner.

Not only at each other and holding an opponent’s blow the meaning behind the game karaci have the nature of courage, virility and immunity aims to keep the men of the Tribe of Samawa dare to defend the earth Sumbawa from people who want to destroy it. This is the beginning of karaci spread in the community Sumbawa to finally become a tradition of grassroots.

2.Harapan Kebo

When the Madura has a tradition bull race and West Sumatra has a tradition of pacu jawi, don’t miss the Island of Sumbawa also have harapan kebo became the pride of the people.

Harapan kebo implemented in rice field areas wet and muddy, the main task of the jockey is taking saka namely a wooden stick plugged in one of the corners of the fields in the shortest possible time. Who managed to get it he was the winner. The participants are not eyeing the gifts given, harapan kebo more into the arena betting self-esteem and dignity. It also buffaloes are managed to be the champion can be sold at a very high price.

3.Blacksmith Stone Alang

Batu Alang is a village which is located 4 Km from Sumbawa besar where people have the skills as a blacksmith. This expertise they passed down for generations from their ancestors by following the techniques and traditional patterns. If a visit to this village we will see the process of making weapons such as machetes, knives, and other agricultural implements.

4.Maen Jaran

Maen jaran or horse racing has been popular since the Dutch colonial era and is still maintained by the community of Sumbawa. Maen jaran is usually held after the harvest season as a reflection of gratitude for the people, and jokinya are children who are still in ELEMENTARY school, aged around 9 – 12 years.

In addition to being places of entertainment, maen jaran is also a means to increase the selling price of the horse because the horse becomes a winner usually has a high selling price that could reach hundreds of millions of dollars. Maen jaran can be seen on the Racetrack in the area of the Village of Filter, Kecamatan Moyo Utara.


The ceremony Nyorong is one part of the wedding procession of the sons and daughters of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara which is a ceremony to deliver the goods – the goods of the family of the prospective groom to the place of the prospective bride. Usually items are delivered in the form of: staple food, the ingredients cake maker, livestock, clothes, and bed. The goods are delivered rollicking and led by community leaders or religious leaders. Besides, it is also the Ceremony Nyorong be used as an event between the two parties to the family of the bride.

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