7 Mysterious Objects from the Outer Space Finally Solved

There are a lot of amazing discoveries in outer space is still a mystery for man. A mysterious discovery turned out able to arouse the curiosity of humanity to know more about objects in space.

The discovery of a strange invite a question mark about that universe, some of which have been solved and revealed by NASA. The following seven mysterious objects in space which successfully revealed.

1. Bubble purple/Fermi Bubbles

astronomers using NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope discovered two bubbles made of gamma rays. The breadth of the bubble was about 2.2 million mph (3.5 million km/h).

There are two bubbles found, are at the top and bottom of the black hole at the core of the Milky Way. Two bubbles are mutually tangent to each other, such as the form of an hourglass. The whole structure looks like figure 8.

2. The White hole and black hole

Outer space with black holes breadth immeasurably. But there is a black hole (black hole), there’s a white hole or a white hole. According to estimates by researchers, the white and the black hole is like Yin and yang, got 2 different things. If the black hole would suck one object to in, then the white hole will release that object.

However, not yet known signs of the existence of white holes this. Why? Because there are no objects that are spewed out by the white hole. Up to now, researchers still detect a burst of radiation that kink will be developed hypotheses about the white hole.

3. Electric current

Electric current even appeared in outer space. Even his strength is large enough, 10-18 amps or the equivalent of 1 trillion lightning. With the amount of it, the man can already charge your phone battery up to full.

Not many people know the source of this power, including scientists. They still assume that the electric current is derived from the black hole in the center of the galaxy. Indeed, the black hole could create an electric field that is very large. Due to the presence of gas and dust up to a distance of more than 150,000 light-years.

4. UFO sightings

Many don’t believe in UFO sightings. However, NASA reportedly never find them. On January 15, 2015, NASA is live video of the International Space Station in outer space. But without a deliberate, there’s a light similar to a UFO passing and appears in the video.

Aware of it, NASA immediately cut the footage of the video. However, not yet known whether the light was really a UFO or from the satellite.

5. Bacteria in space

Space is vacuum, without air and without gravity. But still there are live bacteria. The bacteria was named the Tardigrade. Type of micro-organism is able to survive even in the extreme. Amazingly, only the Tardigrade that is able to live in outer space.

And the Tardigrade is successfully found by the astronauts. These bacteria are taken up by mop to be researched. According to the astronauts, these bacteria appear from the Earth. Because there is air pressure, the bacteria is driven and carried away into outer space.

6. The discovery of a new planet

Speaking of the universe, will not be endless. As recently discovered a new planet in our solar system.

The name of the Planet Gliese 581 c. The Planet is expected to become a planet occupied by living beings. But on the other hand, this planet can kill a human.

The Planet Gliese 581 c enters the orbit of the Red Dwarf Star, which is smaller than the Sun, with the light level is 1.3 percent of the Sun.

7. Remains of a dead star

Or often called Black Widor Pulsar. Space objects originated from a Pulsar or the remnants of dead stars. One of the Pulsar manifold J1311-3430 or the Black Widow Pulsar is a pulsar which is very dangerous.

The Pulsar will continue to grow bigger and more powerful. Pulsar J1311-3430 has a weight of 2 times that of the Sun, with a width of Washington, DC.