• Moon-Antares conjunction

The peak of the Moon-Antares conjunction will occur on June 23, 2021 at 12:06 WIB. This phenomenon can be seen since dusk from the East-Southeast, culminating in the South before midnight and then setting in the West-Southwest before dawn.

  • Moon Perige

Perige Month in June will occur June 23 at 17:03 WIB. This phenomenon can be witnessed since 16.30 local time from the east-southeast, culminating in the south the next day at 22:45 local time.

  • Full Moon Phase

The peak of the full moon phase in June will occur on June 25, 2021 at 01/39 WIB. Traditionally, June is also known as the Strawberry Full Moon because in the northern hemisphere, strawberries are ripe and ready to be harvested.

  • Triple Moon-Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction

This phenomenon lasts for four days from 26-29 June. Can be seen from midnight to dawn. Jupiter’s brightness varies between -2.60 to -2.62 while Saturn’s brilliance varies from +0.42 to +0.40.

  • Bootid Meteor Shower

The peak occurred on June 27 with the intensity varying between 0-100 meters per hour when at the zenith.

Can be seen from the Northeast at dusk, culminating in the North at 20.30. This meteor shower comes from the dust remnants of the periodic comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke.

  • The Scutid Meteor Shower

The Scutid Meteor Shower is active from June 2 to July 29. The peak occurs on June 27 with the intensity varying between 2-4 meteors per hour when at the zenith.

This meteor shower is thought to have come from the dust remnants of the asteroid 2004 CL (331876).

  • Phases of the Late New Moon

The late neem phase is one of the phases of the Moon when the conjunction between the Sun, Earth and Moon forms a right angle (90°) and occurs after the full Moon phase. The peak of the final neighbouring phase occurred on June 2 at 14.24.20 WIT / 15.24.20 WITA / 15.24.20 WIT.

Thus, the late New Nulan can already be seen when it rises before midnight from the East-Southeast, culminates in the South before sunrise and then sets in the West-Southwest for half a day. The Moon is 390,438 km from Earth (geocentric) and is in the vicinity of the constellation Aquarius

  • Peak meteor shower

This phenomenon has been active since May 14, and will continue until June 24, 2021.

The peak of the Arietid meteor shower will occur on June 7, 2021 with an intensity of 50 meteors per hour when at the zenith.

As for Indonesia, the intensity is reduced to 19-20 meteors per hour.

The Arietid meteor shower is thought to have originated from the dust remnants of the asteroid Icarus and the periodic comet 96P/Machholz.

However, Lapan said, the main source of the meteor shower was still not known with certainty.

  • Moon Apogee

The lunar apoge phenomenon occurred on June 8 at 9:38:51 WIB, 10:38:51 WITA and 11:38:51 WIT. Meanwhile, the agope of the new moon can be seen on earth at around 4:30 local time from the east-northeast direction.

The lunar apoge culminates in the north at around 10:30 am local time and will set in the west-northwest at around 16:30 local time. For those of you who love astronomy, save the date and don’t miss it.