Benefits Of Boxing For Women

In Indonesia, the trend of the exercise boxing seems complete beginners. Especially for women who begin to love the sport with movement is quite heavy. There is no harm in you trying to attend classes every day or every week.

Benefits of boxing for women it’s quite a lot, considering the sport is generally favored by the men. In fact, some of the benefits of boxing for women is not only useful for physical health, but also for the health of mentally.

In addition there are benefits of boxing for women, this exercise can be done anywhere even without the need to use special tools. By doing boxing regularly then it will be the quicker of course the benefits of boxing for women.

Curious what are the benefits of the sport of boxing for women? Come on, just take a look at the reviews below that we have prepared for you!

1. Increase the muscle mass of the body

Benefits of boxing for women who are first will certainly make your weight, getting healthy. Because boxing is a type of sports that have a variety of sports movement aerobic and anaerobic. Benefits of aerobic exercise are usually the like, can burn fat and improve cardiovascular health. As well as the benefits of exercise is anaerobic, which can increase the body’s muscle mass, muscle strength, metabolism, and may improve stamina you.

2. Burn a lot of calories

Sports boxing is one of the types of sports that have a high intensity. So do not be surprised if it takes a lot of calories in do this sport. And by practicing boxing for an hour, then the calories can burn as much as 300 to 500 calories, but the amount depends on the weight and how intense exercise you.

3. Good for the heart

The heart is one of a very important organ in the human body. Number of deaths due to heart disease is also quite high. That’s why, make sure you always exercise so that the heart is always healthy and strong. By doing the sport of boxing, then you are forced to breathe with more effort. It can increase the heart rate you. Then, the heart will pump blood to all parts of the body.

With the conditions of increased heartbeat, it can strengthen the muscles in your heart and can minimize the possibility of you experiencing cardiovascular disease to stroke.

4. Release stress

Usually, many think if the keep-pushing punching punching bag will actually make a person become more aggressive. In fact, boxing is a type of exercise that has the properties of terapetic alias can be soothing. By doing the sport of boxing, is not only beneficial for physical health, but also can help release that stress can affect a person’s mental.

The sport of boxing can help the body in reducing hormones that can lead to stress such as cortisol. In addition, boxing can also increase the substance of endorphins which is a substance that can cause a sense of fun.

5. Tighten the muscles of the body

The sport of boxing is a type of exercise that trains the whole body with the repetition of which has a high intensity. The results of such repetition can produce a tightening in the muscles of the body. And if the muscles of the body become tight, then you indirectly get a bonus in the form of the shape of the body beautiful and athletic look.

6. Train for strength and balance of the body

Benefits of boxing training strength of the core muscles can also help form a good posture. Get the flexibility and stability of the muscles of the abdomen, back, and spine through the box also reduces the wear and tear of the spine and hone fine motor skills.

This makes you be able to react faster and stay balanced on an unstable surface or when responding to a movement that suddenly. In the end, the posture and balance of the body, which can either prevent you from the risk of injury

Well, that’s the benefits of boxing for women.

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