The Recommendations Of Foods That Are Recommended At The Time Of Cough And The Flu!

The disease most commonly affects a person during the rainy season i.e. cough and flu. When the flu the second stuffy nose to smell the aroma of the food, which is bad again maybe You’ll lose your appetite.

1. Chicken soup

Chicken soup not only provide the fluid You need to help fight the virus, but also reduce the inflammation that triggers the symptoms and causes of the incoming wind.

2. Citrus fruit

Citrus fruit is actually made up of fruits such as oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit and a variety of other citrus. Fruit citrus famous rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients that are good for the body.

Antioxidant in the fruit can help to improve the immunity of the body. So start the routine consumption of this fruit so Your immune system is increased in next time.

3. A variety of onions

When the nose is clogged, You may ask a question or looking for ways to make the nose can back effectively. Should You enjoy herbs that sting like onions exactly in the Sunday market, onion, and chives.

“Onions can help fight the cold bothers. It has long been respected in its ability to help cells natural killer body cleanse invaders,” said Moreno.

4. Ginger tea

Ginger has the distinction of being one of the best foods for colds thanks to the chemicals called sesquiterpenes. It specifically targets the virus rhinoceros, the most common part of the flu virus, as well as substances that suppress the cough. It also contains gingerol anti-inflammatory properties that can fight infections.

While enjoying the green tea, You can add a couple of tablespoons of grated ginger. But if you don’t want to bother, You could also find ginger tea, chewable ginger, or ginger beer original packaging in cans. However, most canned foods have very little ginger original.

5. Honey

Honey is often touted as a cure for everything. Ranging from burns to wounds scratches.

In addition, honey is also rated as the best foods for sore throat that cause the flu. Antioxidant properties and antimicrobial properties that naturally help fight infections from viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

6. Mushrooms

Mushrooms have long been a staple in healing in China, they have a moment of modern medicine. Moreno said the mushrooms likely to have antiviral properties, largely thanks to the content of vitamin D is abundant.

Fungi also produce cytokines, cellular proteins, which help fight infection. In addition, the polysaccharides in it is a class of other compounds that increase the immunity of the body.

7. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are Your friend, especially if You often go to the gym. Consuming carbohydrates during exercise help fight immune dysfunction, and inflammatory response of the immune due to the stress hormones released during a hard workout. Which means, of carbohydrates that help Your body stay strong and fight the symptoms of colds.

8. Fish

Fish contains vitamin D which helps maintain the immune system. In addition, the content of vitamin D in fatty fish such as salmon can also help keep blood levels are optimal when Your body does not optimize the vitamin from sunlight.

In addition, supplies of vitamin D can also help fight certain cancers, strengthen bones, and help weight loss.

9. Foods rich in zinc

Another nutrient you want to get when you’re sick is zinc. Several studies show that the mineral helps fight the immune system’s regulatory system and that taking zinc supplements can reduce feelings of cold.

Three ounces of braised beef contains about 7 mg of zinc, about half the daily recommended value for adults. Beef is also rich in protein and B vitamins which help you fully recover from the flu.

One recent study found that taking zinc at the start of a cold could shorten it by one day, and taking a preventative tablet daily reduced its severity. Other options that contain zinc are pumpkin seeds and chickpeas.

10. Tomatoes

If You’re a vegan, tomato soup is an alternate chicken soup out of the ordinary. Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant lycopene.

A study from The Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that, supplementation of lycopene for eight weeks lowered markers of oxidative stress, or the imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body that occur during infection.

11. Green vegetables

According to Mayer, green vegetables are a source of vitamin E and powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants have an important role for the body because it can maintain and improve the immunity of the body. In addition, the salad is very good when You are experiencing the symptoms of colds.

12. Brown black

Think about keeping Your daily habits when You’re feeling under the weather uncertain. Dark chocolate contains a bitter alkaloid called theobromine which has been shown in some studies to reduce inflammation caused by the flu.

13. Elderberry Extract

Berries are very potent in disease-fighting compounds. Partly thanks to its anthocyanin levels.

A study from the Journal of International Medical Research found that elderberry extract was more effective at protecting against influenza, and reducing the severity of respiratory viruses four days faster than a placebo.

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