unique facts traditional house of Aceh which are as follows:
- The Roof Of The House
One of the uniqueness of the traditional house of Aceh is located on the roof. The roof of Rumoh Aceh has the anchoring of the roof in the form of black cord or rope fibers that are tied not to be continued. It is made in such a way with the intention to minimize the impact of the disaster.
For example, when there is a fire in the roof, then the owner of the house only need to cut one of the ropes course. So that the whole roof of the house that is connected or centered on the rope fibers directly knocked down or collapsed. It can avoid the occurrence of fire wood and minimize the impact of the fire.
In addition, there is also the use of palm leaves for the roof of Rumoh Aceh. The roof of palm leaves, this aims to create a home atmosphere that is cool and not sound noisy when it is raining.
- The Direction Of The Construction Of The House
The construction of the traditional house of Aceh should be created facing North and South. This meant that the light rays of the sun can be easy to fit in the room. Both located on the East side of the house or the West side.
Because, according to them, Rumoh Aceh is facing to the West or East will collapse easily due to downwind.
- Motif Decoration Home
Usually in the custom home building in Aceh, there are motifs house decoration that always used, which is a motif or carvings religious taken from the verses of the Al Quran and the motives of flora such as plants either in the form of leaves, roots, stems, or flowers. Engraving-shaped stilirisasi herbs is not given a color, and if they are, the colors used are red and black.
Then, there is also the motif of the fauna that are typically used are the animals that you like, to the motives of nature such as sky and the clouds, the moon, the stars, the sea, and so on.
- Do Not Use Nails
Building Rumoh Aceh do not use the nails to strengthen the building. But using a binder material of the rope fibers and rattan (awe). Even so, building a custom home in Aceh remains survive for hundreds of years. - The Door Of The House Short
Parts door traditional house of Aceh was made as high as 120 to 150 cm. It means that size is not higher than the size of the adults. Therefore, everyone who enters into the house to get down.
It is also called as a symbol that the guests need to respect the host. Islam as a religion that is practiced by most people of Aceh, teaches believers to glorify the guests anyway. So, it is intended to create mutual respect.
- House On Stilts
Architecture Rumoh Aceh-shaped stage is a form of community adaptation to the environment. Collectively the structure of houses on stilts give a positive value to social and individual comfort for its occupants, it also ensure the safety of the flood, the beast, and also the safety.
The existence of the stairs before the entrance to the Rumah Aceh not only serves as a liaison to get into the house, but also serves as a boundary for the property. Especially for guests who are not family members or close relatives.
When in a house there are no family members who are male, then it became taboo for guests who are not close family to rise to the top.
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