Even though it has been more than a year, the Covid-19 pandemic still continues to attack the world’s population. Currently, there are five Variant Of Concern (VOC) variants of the virus that causes Covid-19 that have been found in the world, namely the British variant, South African variant, Indian variant, Brazilian variant and Californian variant.

Currently, there are five variants of concern (VOC) of the virus that causes Covid-19 that have been found in the world, namely the British variant, the South African variant, the Indian variant, the Brazilian variant, and the California variant. A variant is called a VOC if it has been scientifically proven that there are one or more three effects of concern, which are more easily transmitted, more lethal, and reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.

In Indonesia, the number of positive cases of the corona virus is already above 1.5 million people (02/07/2021). The good news is that more than 1.3 million people have recovered from the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Efforts to beat the spread and transmission of Covid-19 in the world are not easy. However, various efforts continue to be made by experts and the global population to end the threat of the Corona Virus which continues to attack repeatedly.

In several countries, including Indonesia, the government makes health guidelines and protocols to deal with COVID-19 and consistently maintains immune health and faith. In our country, this health protocol is known as 5M.

The 5M movement is intensively socialized to the public to support 3M in preventing the transmission and spread of the Corona Virus in the community. The 5M movement applies to all circles.

However, for children under 2 years old, it is not recommended to wear a mask, but a stroller cover or face shield can be used. Still have to keep a distance, and under the supervision of parents.

The 5M health protocol consists of:

  1. Wearing a Mask

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the use of masks was only recommended for sick people, not healthy people. However, the SARS-CoV-2 type of Corona Virus is completely new, so health protocols can change over time.

Some time after the WHO policy above, WHO finally issued an appeal for everyone (whether healthy or sick) to always wear a mask when doing activities outside the home.

Corona virus health protocols related to masks are increasingly being promoted in several countries. In the United States (US), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), updated guidelines regarding the use of masks. The CDC advises Americans to wear masks even when they are indoors under certain conditions. According to the CDC, it is necessary to use masks indoors when:

There is a family member who is infected with COVID-19.
There are family members who have the potential to get COVID-19 due to activities outside the home.
Feeling infected or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
Narrow room.
Cannot maintain a minimum distance of two meters.

  • Washing hands

Washing hands regularly is one of the most effective health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. For best results, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds several times a day, especially when:

Before cooking or eating
After using the bathroom
After covering the nose when coughing or sneezing.
To kill viruses and other germs, use soap and water or hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.

  • Keep the distance

Another health protocol that needs to be adhered to is social distancing. This health protocol is contained in the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in the “Health Protocol for the Community in Public Places and Facilities in the Context of Prevention and Control of COVID-19.”

There it is stated, maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people to avoid getting droplets from people who are talking, coughing, or sneezing, as well as avoiding crowds, crowds, and crowds. If it is not possible to keep a distance, then various other administrative and technical engineering can be done.

Administrative engineering can be in the form of limiting the number of people, setting schedules, and so on. While technical engineering, among others, can be in the form of making partitions, setting entry and exit routes, and so on.

  • Staying away from the crowd

In addition to the three things above, staying away from crowds is a health protocol that must also be done. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), people are asked to stay away from crowds when outside their homes. Remember, the more and often you meet people, the higher the chance of getting infected with the corona virus.

Therefore, avoid crowded places, especially if you are sick or over 60 years old (elderly). According to research, the elderly and people with chronic diseases have a higher risk of contracting the corona virus.

  • Reduced Mobility

The corona virus that causes COVID-19 can be anywhere. So, the more time you spend outdoors, the higher your exposure to this nasty virus will be. Therefore, if there is no urgent need, stay at home.

According to the Ministry of Health, even though you are healthy and there are no symptoms of illness, it does not mean that you will return home with the same condition. Because the corona virus can spread and infect someone quickly.

Come on, apply the 5M health protocol to prevent the transmission and spread of the corona virus in Indonesia. In addition, it is hoped that the entire community will support the vaccination program by following the existing vaccinations.

Vaccination serves to create the body’s immunity so that it can fight infection with the virus that causes Covid-19. With the immunity that is formed, then a person will not fall into severe pain, and in turn reduce the mortality rate.

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