Tips for maintaining kidney health

The kidneys are organs located below the back of the ribs, and near the center of the back on either side of the spine.

The kidneys consist of two parts, namely the left and right, it shows that the kidneys are a pair of organs. Its size is about 10-12 centimeters or about the size of a fist. This organ contains about one million nephrons, which are tiny blood filters. This relatively small organ has various important roles for the health of the body. So, it is important for us to take care of this one organ. Before knowing the tips for maintaining kidney health, we will review. Let’s get to know the functions and parts of the kidneys.

Kidney Function

Kidney function in the body is very vital. The kidneys filter about 200 liters of blood every day. In addition to filtering the blood, converting vitamin D in the body, and regulating the body’s acid-base balance, the kidneys have other functions, namely:

  • Regulate Red Blood Cells

In addition to the two things above, other kidney functions, namely being able to regulate red blood cells in the body. Oxygen is an important element in blood circulation. When the body does not get enough oxygen, the kidneys secrete the hormone erythropoietin.

Erythropoietin hormone functions to stimulate the production of more red blood cells which are useful for carrying oxygen. If the red blood cells or oxygen levels are normal, the hormone will stop being produced by the kidneys.

  • Controlling Water Balance

One of the other kidney functions is to control and monitor the water balance in the body. Through this organ, all body tissues are ensured to receive water in order to work properly. The kidneys will react to changes in water levels in the body. The kidneys retain water instead of excreting it when the body is dehydrated.

  • Regulates Blood Pressure and Salt Levels

Regulating blood pressure and salt levels in the blood is also an important function of the kidneys. The kidneys will produce the enzyme renin as a process. When filtering blood, stable blood flow and pressure are required by the kidneys.

  • Filter and Dispose of Waste

One of the functions of the kidneys is to remove toxins, excessive salt levels, and urea (nitrogen-containing waste resulting from protein metabolism).

With the formation of urea, the blood will drain the urea to the kidneys for disposal. Without this organ, waste and toxins would accumulate in the blood.

Kidney Parts

When classified into parts, the human kidney consists of three parts, namely the renal cortex, renal medulla, and renal pelvis. Here is the explanation:

  • Kidney Cortex

The renal cortex is the outermost part of the kidney and is surrounded by the renal capsule. Because it is surrounded by a layer of fat, the cortex also functions to protect the structures in the kidneys from damage.

  • Kidney Medulla

The medulla consists of a section called the loop of Henle and the renal pyramids, which are small structures that contain tubules and nephrons. Tubules function to transport fluids into the kidneys and urine to leave the kidneys.

  • Kidney Pelvis

The pelvis is the deepest part of the kidney which is funnel-shaped. The pelvis serves as a pathway for fluid to move from the kidneys to the bladder

Tips for taking care of your kidneys

One way to prevent kidney disease is to keep this pea-shaped organ healthy. Actually, there are some habits that need to be done and not a few that must be reduced so that the kidneys can work optimally. Here are some ways you can do to keep your kidneys healthy.

  • Healthy eating pattern

Living a healthy diet has been shown to provide good benefits for the body, including kidney health. This is because the cause of kidney disease begins with high blood pressure and diabetes. However, both of these health problems can be avoided as long as you maintain your diet.

You can start by increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables. If possible, try to avoid foods that contain fat and purines, such as offal. The reason is, foods that are high in purines can increase uric acid levels which in turn can interfere with kidney function.

  • Exercise regularly

It’s no secret that regular exercise is good for maintaining overall body health, including the kidneys. The reason is, regular exercise can help the body control blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol levels. These three components are things that need to be controlled to prevent kidney disease. You don’t need to run a marathon to keep your kidneys healthy. There are many other types of physical activity that are easy to do, such as walking, cycling, and dancing. Try to find an exercise that makes you happy as well as healthy for your body.

  • Meet fluid needs

How to nourish the kidneys on this one is quite natural and can be used to prevent disease. First, meeting fluid needs with plain water actually helps smooth the process of filtering the blood while removing toxic waste.

Through this filtering, the kidneys remove waste (substances that are not needed by the body) in the blood, such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, potassium. Water in the body will help keep blood vessels open, so blood can pass through the kidneys smoothly. In addition, drinking enough water can also maintain the balance of minerals in the body. Because the kidneys play an important role in maintaining the balance of water and minerals in the body. This balance allows nerves, muscles, and tissues to function normally. Maintaining kidney health in this way prevents the formation of kidney stones due to dehydration. Drinking enough water helps the kidneys to excrete waste properly.

  • Limit salt intake

Did you know that foods high in salt and sodium can raise blood pressure?

If your blood pressure spikes suddenly, it can damage blood vessels and put a strain on the kidneys. In fact, hypertension is also referred to as the main cause of kidney failure.

Therefore, you can limit your salt intake in an effort to prevent kidney disease and keep it healthy. There are many spices to choose from that can replace sodium, such as onions. The content of quercetin in onions can also maintain kidney health by helping optimize kidney function when filtering blood.

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