Vegetables are a type of food that is highly recommended to be consumed every day. Unfortunately, there are still some people who don’t like vegetables and rarely eat fruit. In fact, eating fruits and vegetables every day is beneficial for health.
Eating vegetables provides health benefits for the body. People who like to eat vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet tend to reduce their risk of several chronic diseases.
Vegetables provide essential nutrients for health and maintenance of your body.
Vegetables are a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as several important compounds that are needed by growth, such as oxides.

  1. Forming folic acid as a red blood cell material
    Helps the body form red blood cells. Pregnant women must consume adequate folate at least 400 mcg of folic acid.
    Consuming sufficient folic acid will reduce the risk of nerve defects, spinal birth defects, and skull bone defects in developing fetuses.
  2. Reduces Constipation, Provides a Feeling of Fullness
    Another important fiber reduces constipation.
    For those of you who are on a diet, eating vegetables helps provide a feeling of fullness by providing fewer calories.
  3. Reduce Cholesterol and Heart Disease Risk
    Eating vegetables can reduce blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.
  4. Avoiding Certain Types of Cancer
    Eating foods that are rich in vegetables as part of a healthy diet can prevent certain types of cancer.
  5. Source of Nutrients
    Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Types of vegetables that are good for consumption.

Vegetables consist of various types with their respective properties. By knowing what types of fruits and vegetables are good for consumption every day, you can freely eat them every day.
Types of vegetables
Vegetables are available in various variations that can be divided based on their biological group (family), namely:
• green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and kale,
• cruciferous ie cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli,
• marrow namely pumpkin, cucumber, and zucchini,
• roots such as sweet potatoes and yams,
• edible plant stems including celery and asparagus, up to
• alliums such as onions and garlic.
Tips for eating fruits and vegetables every day

Although it sounds easy, the practice of eating vegetables every day is difficult to do. The good news, there are a number of tips that you can try so that the body gets the nutrients it needs from vegetables. Below are some easy ways to eat vegetables every day, quoted from Harvard University.

  1. Store fruit in a place that is easily visible
    First of all, try to store vegetables in a place that is easily visible. You can put some ready-to-eat whole vegetables that have been washed.
    You can also store the chopped vegetables in a bowl and place them in the refrigerator.
  2. Vary the types of vegetables you eat
    Some of you may feel bored eating the same vegetables every day. That’s why, try to choose vegetables with various variations and colors.
    You may be able to try one serving per day with different variants based on the types of vegetables mentioned above.
  3. Increase fruit and vegetables in your daily diet.
    If you find it difficult to spend time eating only fruits and vegetables, you can eat both by including them in your daily diet.
    You can try new recipes that may involve more vegetables or fruit, especially at breakfast. Below are some tips for adding fruits and vegetables to your daily diet that you can try.

• Add sliced ​​bananas or other fruit to your breakfast cereal.
• Consume yogurt along with fruit.
• Take at least one or two different servings at lunch or dinner.
• Try eating fruit as a dessert (dessert).
• Add vegetables when juicing for more complete nutrition.
• Make fruit as a snack when you feel hungry.
Everyone may find it difficult at first to be able to eat fruits and vegetables every day. If you are confused, ask your doctor or nutritionist to understand the right solution.
Which foods are better cooked or eaten raw?

Vegetables are better eaten raw.
Some vegetables that are better eaten raw are:

1.Broccoli. Heat can reduce the sulforaphane content in broccoli. In fact, these compounds can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

  1. Garlic. Also contains sulfur compounds (namely allicin) which can prevent cancer growth. This allicin compound is susceptible to heat.
  2. Onions. Eating raw onions can help you in preventing heart disease because of its antiplatelet content. Heat can reduce this content.
  3. Food is better cooked first

Some foods that are better eaten cooked are:

Tomatoes. Cooking tomatoes can increase the lycopene content, where lycopene is associated with a reduced risk of cancer and heart attack.
Carrot. The cooking process can increase the beta-carotene it contains.
Spinach. The nutrients in spinach, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc are more easily absorbed by the body when the spinach is cooked.
Asparagus. Ferulic acid, folate, vitamins A, C, and E, are more easily absorbed by the body when cooked asparagus.
Potato. Cooking makes potatoes easier for the body to eat and digest.
Mold. Cooking can lower levels of agaritine (a harmful substance in mushrooms) and ergothioneine (a powerful antioxidant in mushrooms).
Meat, chicken and fish. The cooking process can kill the bacteria present in meat, chicken, and fish. It also makes meat, chicken, and fish easier to eat.
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