Annoyed with acne scars that won’t go away? Here’s the solution!

Acne scars are a skin condition that is quite disturbing and can lower self-confidence. This skin condition that occurs after acne can appear more than one and in areas that are easily visible

Just like acne, acne scars are a fairly common condition and can happen to anyone. About 80% of people aged 11 to 30 have acne and one in five people in this population has scars.

One of the groups that most often experience this skin disease is teenagers. Even so, adults can face the same problem because there are various factors that can increase everyone’s risk of acne.

Generally, everyone has acne scars of more than one type. Here are the types of acne scars:

  • Macular scar (macular scar)

Macular scars are red acne scars that are usually seen on the cheeks and forehead area. This condition usually occurs as a result of scar tissue from gritty pimples (brutus). These types of acne blemishes will generally fade within 6 to 12 months without treatment.

  • Hypertrophic scars

Hypertrophic acne scars appear due to the production of too much collagen as the pimple heals.

This causes an excess of tissue mass that forms and is slightly raised on the surface of the skin, or so-called keloids. Keloids usually appear on the back and chin area.

  • Atrophic scars

Atrophic acne scars usually occur when skin tissue is lost. This scar tissue will be divided into three parts, namely as follows:

  1. Boxcar, a wide U-shaped pockmark with firm sides.
  2. Ice pick, acne scars that have deep depressions in the shape of the letter V.
  3. Rolling, a fairly wide pockmark with rounded and irregular edges.

There are several bad habits that can be a factor in causing acne scars, including the following;

  • Popping a pimple can trigger inflammation and make acne scars last longer.
  • Stopping acne treatment too soon.
  • Washing your face too often can result in dry and inflamed skin, making acne medications ineffective.
  • Not using sunscreen risks causing skin hyperpigmentation.

One of the myths you may have heard is that acne scars go away on their own. The fact is not so. This condition most likely will not return to normal like the original skin. Below are some tips to get rid of acne scars with natural ingredients.

  • Olive oil

It’s no secret that olive oil also has properties for beauty. You can use a few drops of olive oil on your face, then massage gently. Do this every day. This may not help reduce acne scars completely, but they can prevent acne scars from getting worse.

  • Pawpaw

The high content of vitamin A and papain in papaya makes the flesh of this fruit effective for exfoliation. If your skin is dull and starts to appear black spots, acne scars or due to sun exposure, try to treat it with papaya. The method;

1. Puree the papaya fruit and mix it with a little milk.

2. Use the mashed papaya as a face mask.

3. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse your face thoroughly.

  • Jicama

Jicama has been believed to be useful in brightening the skin since ancient times. This one fruit is also effective for getting rid of acne scars.

The method;

1. Grated yam that is still fresh.

2. Paste the grated jicama on the skin stained with acne scars.

3. Let stand for 10-15 minutes then rinse with clean water.

  • Tea dregs

Tea dregs still have the benefit of removing acne scars. The antioxidants in tea are effective in improving skin conditions and fading acne scars.

The method;

1. Prepare a bag of brewed tea bags.

2. Just rub the dregs on the skin stained with acne scars.

  • Garlic

Garlic contains thiacremonon sulfur compounds that contain anti-bacterial properties that can remove acne scars.

The method;

1. Put the garlic in a blender and puree

2. Apply on acne scars

3. Leave it for 2 minutes

4. Rinse with warm water

  • Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain Vitamins A and C which are beneficial for the skin. Tomatoes are able to tighten the skin, can also quickly remove acne scars.

The method;

1.Thinly slice tomatoes

2.Paste it on the acne scar area

3. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the face until clean.

  • Cucumber

The content of vitamin A, vitamin C, and magnesium in cucumber is very beneficial for the skin. Cucumber is also able to hydrate the skin.

The method;

1.Slice the cucumber into thin slices

2. Put it on your acne scar skin

3. Let it sit for 30 minutes. Then rinse it with clean water

  • Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains aloesin which works to inhibit the formation of melanin which causes the skin to darken. You can get rid of acne scars or black spots of acne scars by applying aloe vera gel on the problematic skin.

The method;

1. Take it out and take aloe vera gel, puree it.

2. Then apply on your face.

3. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with

    use warm water

Those are the ways to get rid of acne scars with natural ingredients that you can do at home. Good luck!

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