Scope of office administration

Scope of Office Administration – The scope of office administration includes office activities and office work facilities. The scope of office administration is as follows.

  1. Office Activities
    Office activities are activities that are always carried out in offices where the wider the company’s goals, the greater the office activities carried out. In general, office activities consist of several activities, including the following.
    a. Office Planning, is the process of determining the direction of office activities, with a review of the factors that influence the achievement of office goals. Office planning consists of:
    1). Building planning
    2). Office layout
    3). Illumination/light
    4). Ventilation
    5). Office equipment and furniture
    6). Office budget
    7). Work quality standards
    8). Information and telecommunications systems

b. Office Organizing, is the arrangement of a number of organizational functions with functions including:

Division of tasks and work for efficiency in the company organization
Maintaining good working relationships with superiors and subordinates
Provision of the right equipment/equipment, according to the type of work to make it easier for employees to do work.
c. Office Actuating, Office directing is an activity that increases work effectiveness and efficiency to the maximum in accordance with predetermined targets and targets as well as to create a healthy and dynamic work environment. The office directions are as follows.

Use of effective techniques in supervising subordinates
Use of effective techniques in motivating subordinates
Providing assistance to employees in solving problems when employees face difficulties at work
Unification of the vision and mission of employees and the organization
Designing effective ways of communicating with employees, for communication between superiors and subordinates so that they can run smoothly.
Use of correct and fair benchmarks in the provision of employee salaries.

d. Office Controlling, Office supervision is a deadly activity that targets and plans can run according to the targets to be achieved. The object of office supervision consists of:

Use of office equipment and furniture
Methods and standardization of office work
Office work quality
Office service
Office costs

  1. Office Work Facilities and Facilities
    From the results of the above description, the office is the entire space in a building that contains administrative activities or management activities as well as various other tasks. Offices are tied to infrastructure such as:
    a. Office Location
    The factors that are considered in determining the location of the office are as follows..

b. Building

The factors that are considered in determining the building are as follows..

The building ensures the safety and health of employees
The building has adequate facilities
Competitive building prices are balanced with costs and benefits.
c. Equipment
Equipment is classified into two groups, among others, as follows..
1). Office furniture, such as chairs, tables, drawers, shelves and so on made of iron, wood, or other materials, which have an important role in the office.
2). Office supplies, such as paper, erasers, pens, printer ink, and other consumables.

d. Interiors
Interior is the arrangement of furniture or devices that support the implementation of work in an office space, such as ceilings, lighting, ventilation, office decorations and windows.

e. Office Machines
In planning office activities, the machine planning formula is used in accordance with work procedures, work methods and interior needs.