Rough and dry skin is one of the many problems experienced by women in Indonesia. This is because Indonesia has a tropical climate

However, do you know what causes skin to become rough and dry? What are the symptoms of rough and dry skin?, and what are the risks of having dry skin? Curious about the answer? Come on, let’s look at the article below together.

Dry skin is a problem that occurs when the top layer of skin (epidermis) doesn’t get enough moisture. As a result, the skin looks scaly, peeling, and cracked.

In medical terms, dry skin is also known as xerosis. Skin that has xerosis tends to be more sensitive and prone to damage. If your skin is very dry and untreated, there are a number of complications that lurk, ranging from bacterial infections, eczema (atopic dermatitis), to bleeding skin cracks.

The causes of xerosis are as follows:

  • Cold or hot weather

Skin is usually at its driest when the weather is cold or dry. At this time, the temperature and humidity of the air decrease. In addition, the hot climate during the dry season can also make the skin dry due to dehydration .

  • Taking too long a hot shower

Bathing with warm water does feel calming. However, this habit can actually make the skin dry and scaly if done for too long. A similar effect can occur if you use water that is too hot. Therefore, limit your bath time to no more than 5 minutes. Also make sure the temperature of the water you use doesn’t burn your skin

  • Sun exposure

Sun exposure in any climate can dehydrate the skin. This is because ultraviolet light is able to penetrate deep below the surface of the skin. As a result, the skin loses its natural moisture.

  • Insufficient water intake

The rule of drinking eight glasses of water per day is not just a myth. The reason is, the body does need enough fluids to work properly. Not drinking enough water can dehydrate your skin, making it look dry and not glowing.

  • Use of certain drugs

Certain medications, such as acne medications, can make facial skin peel and dry. The various acne medications that cause this side effect are retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide.

  • Symptoms of certain diseases

Certain diseases can make the skin even more dry. Eczema and psoriasis are examples of skin diseases that cause symptoms in the form of dry, crusty, even cracked and bleeding skin.

Symptoms of skin and rough as follows:

  • Skin feels rough and looks uneven.
  • Skin feels tight and tight, especially after showering.
  • Scaly, peeling, or cracked skin.
  • Cracked skin can sometimes bleed.
  • The skin is more often itchy (pruritus).
  • There are differences in the color of the skin, such as redness or gray.
  • White lines appear when you scratch the skin

Dry skin has a lot of risks, including:

  • Skin is more susceptible to germs and bacteria

Indeed, the type of skin that is prone to acne is oily skin type, but that does not mean dry skin is free of acne. In fact, dry skin also has the potential to get acne, this is because dry skin has decreased in its protection which makes it easier for germs and bacteria to infect your facial skin. Well, if you have acne, the more problems you will have to face.

  • Skin is getting more sensitive

Due to weak skin protection, dry skin is very susceptible to irritation. You should not ignore this because this irritation can cause sores that will be more difficult for you to deal with. And if your skin becomes sensitive you will find it increasingly difficult to choose the right skincare and makeup products for your skin. Can you imagine how difficult it is for you to find a product that has to be suitable for dry skin plus it must be suitable for sensitive skin.

  • Premature aging

Premature aging such as wrinkles and fine lines on the face are more susceptible to dry skin. This happens because the skin which means it has a low level of elasticity.

  • Appearance becomes less attractive

Dry skin has a stiff texture and is not supple. As a result, the skin looks unhealthy and has a dull and rough skin surface.

  • Easily hurt or scratched

Minor friction or impact can cause injury. Meanwhile, on skin that has good moisture, the skin can function as a cushion that protects against friction and impact.

  • Causes itching

This is because dry skin triggers an inflammatory reaction in the skin. Although at first this inflammation is mild, but due to scratching the skin inflammatory reaction usually becomes more severe and causes a stronger itching and eventually skin damage due to scratching.

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