In general, administrative science is divided into two major branches, namely: state administration and commercial administration. The difference between these two branches of science lies in the focus of the discussion or the object of study.
- State Administration
Public administration has many definitions, which can generally be divided into two categories. First, the definition sees state administration only within the executive branch. And second, a definition that looks at the scope of state administration includes all branches of government and matters relating to the public.
There is an interactive relationship between state administration and its social environment. Among the various elements of the social environment, the element of culture is the element that most influences the performance of state administration.
- Commercial Administration
According to Prof. Dr. MR. S. Prajudi Admosudidjo in his book entitled “Commerce Administration or Business Administration” is an understanding that includes two meanings into one, namely:
Commercial Administration is the administration of a commercial organization as a whole, if the commercial organization is a company, then the commercial administration is carried out by the Board of Directors rather than the company.
Commercial Administration is an administration that pursues the achievement of business objectives, in this sense, the commercial administration is carried out by every manager in a commercial organization.
From this description, it can be concluded that Commerce Administration is a collaborative process of groups of people to achieve maximum profit.
Administrative Features
- The existence of a human group consisting of 2 or more people
- There is cooperation between employees
- There is a process or effort
- There is a guidance, in leadership and in supervision
- In a company or agency there is a purpose
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