Back end Developer

The back end is everything related to the server (eg on the site or cloud) and database. They are the machines that work behind the scenes, all of which the end user doesn’t see or interact directly with, but that powers what happens. Back end developers focus on the database, scripting, and architecture of a website. The code written by them will help communicate the database of information to the browser.

In general, people who work as back end developers are known to be the best problem solvers. They are judged to always use a logical mind in carrying out their work. In addition, they tend to be more interested in functions and systems than in the appearance that will appear to consumers.

In flow, the back end work starts from the layout or the web interface developed by the front end. From the layout, they will choose a system that is suitable or in accordance with what is desired by the client or company. Therefore, it is not surprising that the work of the two cannot be separated.

There are several basic tasks that a back end developer has. According to Career Explorer, here are some of the responsibilities of the profession:

create, integrate and manage databases, work with back end frameworks to build server-side software, web server technologies, cloud computing integration. using server-side programming languages, working with operating systems, managing and developing content management systems (CMS), API integration, security settings and hacking prevention, reporting analysis and statistics, Programming Languages ​for Back End Developers, back end

No matter how smart the front end developer is and no matter how good the web page is, it will be useless if it is not accompanied by a reliable back end. The reason is, as explained above, the back end is obliged to perform calculations, process forms, store data, and so on.

Due to the complex task, the back end is required to understand several programming languages. Some of them are PHP, Python, Node.js, and SQL. Not only that, according to Skillcrush, Ruby has also become a programming language for people who are in the back end position.

The use of several programming languages ​is returned to each back end, although there are also those who require it because of the usual nature of use. Of the programming languages ​mentioned above, PHP is the most popular. According to, PHP is used by 78.4% of websites that use back end technology.

The existence of learning media and training that can be obtained at an inexpensive price has contributed to the popularity of PHP. PHP is also the back end choice because of their massive use. If you finally decide to become a back end developer, learning PHP will be very profitable.

The reason is, besides being easy to learn, the language is also widely used by companies as a basic programming language. Because they will work closely with the front end position, ideally the back end developer also has an understanding of programming languages ​such as HTML and CSS.

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