Understanding Dynamic Web

Dynamic web is a web whose content or contents can change at any time. Because the dynamic web creation technology has been designed as easy as possible for users or users who use the web.

A. Another dynamic web explanation

Or a complete dynamic web definition, namely a web whose contents can be changed at any time very easily without having to make changes to codes or coding. The content on the dynamic web is also stored in a database, so even people who can’t understand coding can change the content of the content without having to master a web programming language which is usually called coding. Changing content or documents in a dynamic website is easier than a static website, which requires special skills in the web scripting section.

A dynamic website is generally created using a certain Compact Management System (CMS) with data storage in a database (such as MySQL) and usually this website is composed of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and related to the MySQL database.

B. Some Examples of Dynamic Web

We can find many examples of this dynamic web on the internet, such as news web, personal blog, online shop, Marketplace and others. Examples of sites such as WordPress, Blogger, Facebook, Kaskus, Youtube, and this web are also one of them. (Also Read: Understanding Websites and Types)

B. Characteristics of Dynamic Web

Using web programming languages such as PHP, HTML and others.
Have databases.
The content in it can come from visitors and it can also come from the database (web admin).
Updated more often.

C. Advantages of Dynamic Web

Content and layouts are subject to change or change.
Using dynamic html (DHTML).
Use server programming to manage data changes.
Can use CMS to change the content or content of the website.
Web content and page layouts are created separately, so the page loads faster.
Can use a database to store content or content.
Can facilitate 2-way communication between admin and visitors (web visitors).
The most recent content is always at the top or first because to clarify the updated content.

D. Lack of Dynamic Websites

Very complex, making it difficult in Search Engine searches (a lot of competition).
It costs more to make.