Web Performance

The best way to improve website performance

Websites with good performance have high engagement, retention and conversion from visitors. Given how volatile users can be, coupled with the fact that mobile device usage is quite significant these days, never before has the speed of a website been taken into account.

The website’s performance and flaws have been well documented for some time by amazon. In 2007 they reported that for every 100 ms (millisecond) increase in load time on the Amazon.com site, their sales decreased by 1%. Google also reported the same result in 2006 on their product Google Maps. Google found that by reducing the size of their pages from 100KB to 80KB, their traffic increased 10% the first week and 25% the following week.

Minifying HTML, CSS & JavaScript

To understand the code we write, we sometimes format it in a way that we can easily read it, in other words the format is more human-friendly. Take a look at the code sample below:

<form action=”#” method=”post”>


        <label for=”name”>Text Input:</label>

        <input type=”text” name=”name” id=”name” value=”” tabindex=”1″ />



.To understand the code we write, we sometimes format it in a way that we can easily read it, in other words the format is more human-friendly. Take a look at the code sample below:

<form action=”#” method=”post”><div><label for=”name”>Text Input:</label><input type=”text” name=”name” id=”name” value=”” tabindex=”1″/></div></form>

This estimate is easier to read, this human-friendly version has a lot of unnecessary characters. This doesn’t have much impact on small websites but for large-scale websites this event is detrimental you can minify HTML, CSS & JavaScript. If you haven’t done this then you need to think about it now. Fortunately for us there are many tools online that can help shrink and restore our code such as the YUI compressor.

Optimizing Images

One of the causes of the lag is the image. Try to use graphics instead of images. This can be better for elements such as buttons, but in some cases CSS may not be used to create designs such as photos, or detailed decorative graphics.

  • Sprites

the key to speeding up the website is to minimize the number of http requests. Each image on the website requires one http request to the server. In the majority, browsers can make multiple requests (to the same domain) at the same time, which is why a queue is formed. A way to reduce the number of requests by merging multiple images into one. The disadvantage of sprites is that the manufacturing technique is difficult but there are online tools that can make sprites. One of them is SpritePad. SpritePad can do it quite easily, just drag & drop your image and they will instantly make it into a sprite with PNG format + CSS code.

  • Losslessly Compressing Images

Making your photos or materials into sprites is not easy, that’s why we need to ‘compress images’, by compressing them we can save bytes. Often when we save images with software such as Fireworks or Photoshop, the resulting file contains additional data, including possible color data. unused and even meta data. By compressing images without losing image appearance or visual quality you can save the data that needs to be downloaded. Yahoo services like smush.it are good tools to do this. Just upload the image you want to ‘smush’ and smush.it will compress your image.

  • URI data

Another way to reduce the number of http requests from images is to make them a data uris. Data URIs can be described as Encrypting both images and fonts into string data that can be directly integrated into your markup and stylesheets


I hope you learned a few things about optimizing website speed and how to implement some of the methods into your project. By putting into practice what we have discussed you will encourage visitors to keep coming back, stay on your site and enjoy a pleasant browsing experience on your website.

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