Vue was created by Evan You after working for Google using AngularJS on a number of projects. Vue was originally released in February 2014. Vue was born out of a need to make apps perform better. Vue picks some template syntax from Angular, and removes a lot of the syntax which makes it very lightweight. Vue is a very popular JavaScript Framework and is experiencing enormous growth. Simple and small (~24KB), but very powerful. It might be a little different from all other JavaScript Frameworks. Vue is very flexible, but the fact that the core of Vue has two packages that are critical to any web application (such as routing and state management) makes it much more fragmented than React. For example: vue-router and vuex are the keys to Vue’s success. Following are the advantages of using Vue.js technology in web development.

1. Small Size
The success of a JavaScript framework depends on its size. The smaller the size, the more it will use. One of the biggest advantages of Vue.js is its small size. The size of this framework is around 18 – 21KB so you can say it doesn’t take time for users to download and use it.

2. Easy to Understand and Develop Applications. One of the reasons why this framework’s popularity continues to grow is that Vue is quite easy to understand. Users can easily add Vue.js to their web projects due to its simple structure.

3. Simple. Vue.js is also popular among web developers because it facilitates them to integrate with existing applications. Vue is based on a JavaScript framework that can be integrated into other applications built on top of JavaScript.

4. Detailed Documentation. The Vue.js documentation is so comprehensive that any user who knows a little about JavaScript and HTML can develop their own application or web page.

5. Flexibility. Vue Js allows users to write their templates in HTML files, JavaScript files, and pure JavaScript files using virtual nodes. This flexibility is also easy for developers of React.js, Angular.js, and other new JavaScript frameworks to understand.

6. Two Way Communication. Vue.js also facilitates two-way communication due to its MVVM architecture which makes it easy to handle HTML blocks. In this respect, it is very close to Angular.js which also speeds up HTML blocks. Vue.js allows us to render rendering declarations of data to the DOM, using conditional statements and loops. Of course if you are familiar with Angular, then it is not so difficult to learn it.

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