Marketing qualified leads

  • What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)?

MQL is leads based on what pages the person visits as well as any form of engagement with the given content. For any action that makes a person a marketing or sales lead, usually each company determines it with different metrics.

Even so, every company would want people who belong to MQL to turn into SQL (sales qualified leads).

  • What Makes MQL Different?

Now that you know what MQL is, it’s time to know what they are and what differentiates them from regular leads. For example, there are people who are walking in the mall. There are people who just pass by and glance at products from outside the store, there are also people who do window shopping and enter the store.

Not only different from regular leads, MQL is also different from qualified sales leads.

If using the example of people shopping at the mall as before, SQL is the person who immediately takes the desired item and asks the shopkeeper for help.

Reporting from TechTarget, people who belong to MQL can turn into SQL if they are constantly getting promotions through email, social media, and also other marketing efforts.

  • How to Increase MQL Potential

As mentioned earlier, the metrics that determine whether a group of people fall into the sales or marketing leads group are different in each company. .

  1. View visitor behavior

The first way is to look at the behavior of your website visitors.

From the existing data, what does each visitor do when they want to buy?

Compare the data of customers who bought and those who did not buy the product, pay attention and learn the pattern.

  • Request feedback

The next way is to ask for feedback.

Because qualified marketing leads are people who have the potential to buy, it’s important for you to know the reasons why these customers don’t buy them.

It could be, he had put the goods in the cart, but suddenly it didn’t happen because of something that bothered him or even other customers.

By getting that feedback, you can fix one thing that might annoy many visitors, and then successfully convert MQL to SQL.

  • See specific trends

When you know and study the data, you can focus on strategies that have been proven to work.

  • Compare with competitors

Well, the last way is to compare your website with competitors.

Look for loopholes, what causes all the leads you have to choose your website compared to competitors?

Is there a marketing strategy that makes your company superior? Or maybe, the user experience is more customer friendly?

Similar to the previous point, knowing this, you can save a lot of energy.

You can maintain what is already better than competitors, then develop what may still be lacking.

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