What is Experiential Marketing?

In short, experiential marketing is a marketing strategy that provides consumers with a unique experience of your brand. As a result, your brand will be more “alive” and make an impression on consumers’ hearts because they actively interact with it. Instead of just seeing a glimpse of an advertisement on TV or a banner on a website, for example.

Why is Experiential Marketing Important for Business?

There are three reasons why you should consider doing experiential marketing in 2021 (or the years to come). What are they?

  1. Build Connections with Consumers

As you know, in this digital era, advertisements can appear everywhere. Starting from television, radio, websites, social media, in applications, video games, YouTube videos, Spotify song breaks, even in the back of the truck.

Therefore, people are immune to advertisements and consider them a nuisance. In effect, they do not feel a personal connection with the advertised brand at all. If this is the case, how can these ads attract consumers?

Well, experiential marketing can be the best solution to the problems above, you know. Because, experiential marketing is not just a “pass-by” advertisement. Instead, it focuses on providing a unique experience for potential customers so they can build personal connections. As a result, the promotion you do will be more effective because it makes an impression on the hearts and minds of consumers.

2. Increase Consumer Loyalty

What happens if you manage to build a personal connection with your customers? Yup, they will be loyal to your brand. Loyal customers are valuable assets that are coveted by all businesses, you know.

No wonder because loyal customers can bring various benefits to your business in the future. Like always buying products from you without thinking and voluntarily promoting them to the public. Both of these things will be impossible to achieve if consumers do not have a personal connection with a brand.

3. Skyrocket Your Brand Awareness

As we mentioned above, loyal consumers will promote your business everywhere. Starting from word-of-mouth to the people closest to them, to promotions throughout the virtual world through their social media.

Oh yes, promotions from loyal consumers have an extraordinary effect, you know. Because, 92% of people trust recommendations from other people more than ads from the brand. Even if they don’t know each other. Wow!

If you have this, your brand awareness and business reputation will also skyrocket. In effect, profits will increase because of the many new buyers who come from the promotion of your loyal customers earlier. That’s great, right?

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