10 Benefits Of The Sport Of Volleyball

Volleyball is a type of exercise that has many benefits.

Volley ball is the type of game the big ball, which is played by two teams or the opposite team. Each team in the volleyball match consists of six players on the field.

In Indonesia, volleyball is a sport that is very popular. A lot of people playing volleyball, either as a hobby or an athlete volleyball professional.

People love to play volleyball because it is a sport that is fun and has many benefits.

Here are 10 benefits of the sport of volleyball as quoted from Health Fitness Revolution.

The benefits of Volleyball for the Health of the Body

1. Helps burn calories and fat

When playing volleyball, the body will do a lot of movement. Movement-movement in the sport of volleyball is effective help to burn calories and fat in the body.

Harvard Medical School reported that someone can burn 90 to 133 calories for half an hour (30 minutes) to play volleyball non-competitive.

As for the volleyball match that are competitive, a person can burn 120 to 178 calories in the body.

2. Increase strength

Physical activity that is performed in a play volley ball will strengthen the upper body, arms, and shoulders as well as the muscles of the lower body.

Play volley ball also help to improve the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

3. Accelerate metabolism

The sport of volleyball which is done regularly can help accelerate metabolism. Meanwhile, the metabolism of the current will affect the health of the body.

4. Improve the coordination of eye and hand

Volleyball is a sport that requires coordination between hands and eyes.

For example, when performing a service we must follow the ball through the eye view and then hit the ball to the right point.

5. Build agility, speed, and balance the body

The game of volleyball can enhance the dexterity and speed of the body. Therefore, in the game of volley ball there is a change speed and direction quickly.

6. Nourish the heart

When playing volleyball heartbeat will increase as the physical activity we do.

The body will circulate more blood and nutrients throughout the body, that improve overall health.

7. Build strength of the muscles

The sport of volleyball can help the strength of the muscles in the body because in it there is a lot of movement, ranging from the hand to the foot.

8. Improve the ability of aerobic body

According to the Well Source’s Aerobic Mile Chart, the sport of volleyball non-competitive for 20 minutes will issue the amount of energy the same as jogging a mile.

9. Improving cooperation between man one team

The game of volleyball requires a good working in a team, for example, work together to devise a strategy of attack. It also train and improve the ability to work together as a team.

10. Improve mood

The sport of volleyball can help us to improve mood, reduce stress, and increase motivation for success.

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