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How to protect the reproductive organs in human

Keep in mind that the reproductive organs are not just the penis and vagina. Other organs such as the testes and ovaries and uterus are also part of this system. Therefore, to maintain their health, you should do it from various sides. Ways to maintain reproductive health for men and women include:

  1. Consume nutritious food
  2. Always maintain the cleanliness of vital tools
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Get enough rest
  5. Reduce consumption of foods with a high glycemic index
    6.Use protective equipment while exercising
  6. Avoid bad habits
    How to maintain complete reproductive health
  7. Consume nutritious food
    There are several foods that are considered good for the health of the reproductive system. In women, foods such as salmon or other fatty fish that contain lots of Omega-3 fatty acids, are highly recommended for consumption. Omega-3 will reduce inflammation or inflammation in the body, including the digestive organs.
    For women who are planning to have children, taking folic acid supplements is also highly recommended to reduce the risk of the fetus having neural tube defects and brain development disorders. Meanwhile for men, foods that are considered good for the health of the reproductive system are those rich in the mineral zinc. this one is considered to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, increase the number of sperm produced, and improve sexual function. Examples of foods that contain zinc include oysters, shellfish, lean meats, and whole grains.
  8. Always maintain the cleanliness of vital tools

For both men and women, it is obligatory to keep the vital organs clean. By practicing proper cleaning, you have reduced the risk of infection in the reproductive organs. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, you can take the following steps to keep your reproductive organs clean.
• When drying wet genitals, use a towel
soft, dry and odorless or damp.
• Choose underwear made of materials that can absorb sweat well
• Change underwear at least 2 times a day
• For women, after defecating, wash the genitals from front to back so that the germs contained in the anus do not enter the reproductive organs.
• Men to undergo circumcision or circumcision to reduce the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and the risk of penile cancer.

  1. Exercise regularly
    Exercising is good for the reproductive organs. Besides being able to increase stamina, this activity can reduce the risk of diseases that are often associated with reproductive organ disorders such as diabetes.

4. Reduce the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index

The glycemic index is a value that describes the ability of a food or drink to increase blood sugar levels in the body. The higher the glycemic index, the easier it is for the intake to trigger an increase in blood sugar. By avoiding foods with a high glycemic index, your risk of experiencing impaired blood sugar levels can be reduced. This is especially necessary for women who have reproductive organ diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS will make the body experience insulin resistance, so that the levels are not balanced and trigger a buildup of sugar in the blood. This disease will also affect fertility and menstrual cycle disorders. Bad habits such as smoking and consuming too much alcohol also need to be avoided to keep the reproductive organs healthy. Both have been shown to equally increase the risk of disorders of the reproductive system in both men and women.

  1. Get enough rest

which is quite often not considered important. In fact, this needs to be done to help relieve stress, and temporarily rest some organs in the body so that their functions are maintained properly. You are advised to rest at least 7-9 hours every night.

6. Use protective equipment while exercising

In addition to maintaining their health from the inside, you also need to take care of the health of your reproductive organs from the outside, especially when you are doing activities that risk a collision, including sports.

  1. Avoid bad habits

Bad habits such as smoking and consuming too much alcohol also need to be avoided to keep the reproductive organs healthy. Both have been shown to equally increase the risk of disorders of the reproductive system in both men and women.

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5.Beristirahat yang cukup Istirahat

yang cukup seringkali tidak dianggappenting. Padahal, ini perlu dilakukan untuk membantu meredakan stres, dan mengistirahatkan sementara sebagian organ di tubuh agar fungsinya terjaga dengan baik. Anda disarankan untuk beristirahat setidaknya 7-9 jam setiap malamnya.

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